Ranvet Foliphos Bottle 100ml

Ranvet Foliphos Bottle 100ml


Injectable organic Phosphorus, Folic acid and Vitamin B12 for enhanced performance. 



  • Provides high levels of available phosphorus and folic acid in combination with a long-acting form of Vitamin B12 to boost natural levels of these vitamins in hard working horses.
  • Two B-complex vitamins, folic acid and Vitamin B12, essential for red blood cell formation in bone marrow.
  • Highly available form of phosphorus (butafosfan), able to be incorporated into high-energy phosphate complexes (ATP, ADP) in body tissues and in particular, working muscles.


  • Optimises the red blood cell count, increasing the oxygen carrying capacity resulting in increases in stamina, reduced fatigue and increased performance.
  • Provides a Vitamin B12 boost to maintain blood and liver Vitamin B12 levels.
  • Stimulates and maintains appetite.
  • Aids to increase starch digestion in the stomach following the intake of high grain diets.